“Il genio degli Ossolani nel mondo” exhibition

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  • Suitable for: All

Book and exhibition thus honour people who, travelling the roads of Europe and the world, have left indelible traces of their genius

From Saturday 30 March to Sunday 2 June at the Centro Culturale Vecchio Municipio you can visit the exhibition - itinerant, but with an unprecedented layout - Il genio degli Ossolani nel mondo (The Genius of the Ossolans in the World), which celebrates the illustrious Ossolans who have left indelible traces in Italy, Europe and the world.

The exhibition stems from the publication of historian Enrico Rizzi's book ‘Il genio degli Ossolani nel mondo’ (The Genius of the Ossolani in the World), Grossi edition, a veritable biographical dictionary comprising 300 large-format pages and over 200 illustrations.
The travelling exhibition was realised by Paolo Zanzi and the Enrico Monti Foundation, with the collaboration of the Maria Giussani Bernasconi Foundation and Federico Troletti, curator of the Civic Museums of Domodossola, and Paolo Negri of the Paola Angela Ruminelli Foundation, the association that conceived and financially supports the itinerary in stages.

The exhibition itinerary is inspired by a famous phrase by one of the greatest of the illustrious Ossolans, Giuseppe Chiovenda: ‘The Ossola, beautiful among the valleys of the Alps, has given warriors to barbarism and scholars to civilisation, Popes to the Church and the heresy Fra Dolcino, discoveries to science and ladies... Eau de Cologne.

Of the 300 great Ossola personalities of the past, the exhibition illustrates 80 in particular.