
In the small hamlet of Verigo, the support beam of a building from the late Middle Ages with symbolic engraving is particularly worth seeing.

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Local gastronomy

Stinchett, Runditt and Amiasc

Stinchett, Runditt and Amiasc

Stinchett, Runditt and Amiasc

Stinchett, Runditt and Amiasc

You will find it at any of the festivals in the valley, and you can also consume and buy it all year round in the typical restaurants and bakeries

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Trontano, Parpinasca and Valgrande

Trontano, Parpinasca and Valgrande

Three stages for getting to know the history, countryside and rural customs

Mulini del Rio Graglia

Mulini del Rio Graglia

Six little stone mills line the banks of the river, and information boards give facts and explanations of how grain cultivation was carried out in former times

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